Alex Dally MacFarlaneAlex Dally MacFarlane is a PhD student at the University of Oxford, working on the medieval Armenian reception of Alexander III of Macedon (and would definitely recommend trying to translate poetry from unedited manuscripts in varied dialects of a language learnt only several years earlier). From 2017 to 2018, Alex is also a cataloguer and curator of the Armenian collections at the British Library. Occasionally, there's still time to write: look for Alex's stories in Clockwork Phoenix 5, Solaris Rising 3, Clarkesworld Magazine, and Beneath Ceaseless Skies. Alex edited the anthology Aliens: Recent Encounters (2013) and The Mammoth Book of SF Stories by Women (2014), and co-edited non-fiction and poetry for Interfictions Online. Questions of gender are vital to Alex in science fiction and history, particularly the relationship of both with each other and the present. Alex has written about gender in SFF for, Interfictions Online, and Letters to Tiptree. Follow @aghvesagirk for more. |